
Josh Bluhm

Josh Bluhm

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Charles Golitko

Charles Golitko

{{title}} {{phone-number}}
Paige Greene

Paige Greene

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Brent Judd

Brent Judd

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Ashley Rang

Ashley Rang

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Matt Talken

Matt Talken

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English I CP: Literary Forms/Composition

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: Placement Test Scores

本课程侧重于发展阅读策略,并着重于词汇构建和写作基础. 本课程安排两节课时,包括互动课程, web-based activities as well as teacher instruction.

English I UCP: Literary Forms/Composition

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: Placement Test Scores

本课程提供五种基本体裁的全面研究, Short Story, Essay, Poetry, and Drama. It focuses on literary forms, themes, 并进一步发展语法和写作技能. A research paper with MLA documentation is required.

English I Honors: Literary Forms/Composition

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: Placement Test Scores

本课程提供对高复杂性作品的深入研究,并提供先进的综合语言艺术阅读学习, writing, speaking and listening. A research paper with MLA documentation is required.

English II CP

(Grade 10)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: English I CP and English Teacher Recommendation

本课程继续发展和加强阅读、词汇和写作技能. 将介绍美国文学中的各种文学形式. 报告风格的研究论文与MLA文件是必需的.

English II UCP: American Literature/Compostion

(Grade 10)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

先决条件:英语I UCP和英语教师推荐

本课程提供对美国文学和作家的全面研究. 写作技巧加强和论文驱动的研究论文与MLA文件是必需的. 本课程以小说、小组和个人报告以及讨论作为补充.

English II Honors: American Literature/Composition

(Grade 10)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: English I UCP, Minimum 90% both semesters; and English Teacher Recommendation; English I H Minimum 80% and English Teacher Recommendation

This is an in-depth study of major works of American Literature. 材料的内容和处理在体积、深度和速度上都具有挑战性. Extensive reading, note taking, and composition are required. The course is supplemented by novels. A thesis research paper with MLA documentation is required.

English III CP: World Literature and Composition

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

先决条件:英语II CP和英语教师推荐

In this course, 学生们学习不同世界作家的精选作品,并继续学习写作技巧. 课外小说作为课程的补充,还需要一篇研究报告.

English III UCP: World Literature and Composition

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

先决条件:英语II UCP和英语教师推荐

本课程提供了来自世界各地的各种文学作品的概览. The textbook will be supplemented with outside novels. 学生们将被鼓励看到思想和风格的比较. A research paper with MLA documentation will be required.

English III Honors: World Literature and Composition

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: English II UCP grade 90% and English teacher recommendation; English II H, minimum grade 80% or higher and English Teacher Recommendation

This course offers an in-depth, 快节奏的学习和调查来自世界各地的各种文学作品,鼓励学生通过文明看到思想的重要性,以及这些思想如何应用于他们和他们的世纪. 特别关注的是文化互动的分析,以及如何公平地理解不同的文化观点. 创造性和分析的组成是必需的,因为是一篇论文研究论文. This course is supplemented by novels.

English III: AP English Language and Composition

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)


而高级AP英语文学课程侧重于小说的研究,以探索人类的状况, AP英语语言课程侧重于非小说类文章的分析,以培养学生的论证能力. 这门初级课程不教授特定的知识体系, 但它的目的是培养在一个民主社会中进行有说服力的辩论所必需的关键技能,而民主社会的存在需要一个知情的选民. 本课程将培养学生在逻辑和修辞方面的研究技能,使他们能够区分情感操纵和理性论证. 它将为学生提供基于当前社会问题开展两个扩展研究项目的机会. While taught within the English department, 本课程本质上是跨学科的,旨在培养学生在大学学习的任何领域取得成功所必需的基本思维和写作技能.

English IV CP: British Literature and Composition

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)


在本课程中,学生将阅读一组精选的英国作家、诗人和剧作家的作品. 作文将包括创意写作和研究写作风格. At least one major paper is required.

English IV UCP: British Literature and Composition

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)


本课程提供了英国文学时期和流派的全面调查,以及它在西方文化中的根源. 学生通过讨论和各种写作作业来分析文献. 需要两篇主要论文,包括研究和分析技能.

English IV Honors: British Literature and Composition

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: English III Honors, 80% or higher and English Teacher Recommendation; English III UCP, 90% or higher and English Teacher Recommendation

本课程对英国主要文学时期的代表作家进行了深入的研究,并对西方经典文学进行了思考. 学生们面临的挑战是通过广泛的阅读来研究文献, class discussion, and critical writing. 两篇研究论文和暑期阅读是必需的. 这门课程是昆西大学提供的双学分课程.

English IV AP English Literature/Composition

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

先决条件:英语III AP, 83%或以上,英语老师推荐

Advanced Placement, a National Honors Level course sponsored by the College Board, 重点培养学生进一步发展分析和写作技能的能力,这是之前在英语III-AP中所展示的. 文学的调查是广泛的,文学选择可能会有所不同,从一年到下一年. This course is designed to replicate the college experience, and classes are conducted in a seminar style. Two thesis researched essays are required.